
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Peppermint Candy Cane Cupcakes

Oh Christmas time... Why is it you seem to come around so quickly each year?

I used to be quite grinchy about Christmas. I suspect this was in the years following the passing of my mum. She LOVED Christmas! Even though we never had much money, it was always a huge celebration in our household usually with handmade gifts, like pyjamas mum made when all I really wanted was a Furbi!. Then as I got older, Christmas eve was spent in night clubs and nursing a hangover the following morning before heading to Christmas lunch. The christmas pudding wasn't the only rum soaked item at the Christmas table. Gag. I must have been so smelly and antisocial.

Then I had a family of my own... a husband first and now a spirited (and destructive) 1 year old. Not saying that you have to be in a relationship with a child to enjoy the holiday season, but for me, they fill a massive gap where mum used to be. They make me so very thankful to be spending this holiday with the people I love. Which really is what it's all about. Christmas eve is now spent reading 'The Night before Christmas' to H, staying up late wrapping gifts with the husband and inevitably, cooking something at the last minute for lunch the next day.

It seems that somewhere between 7 years ago and now, I found my Christmas spirit in a big way. I've turned into an optimistic, carol singing, wishing Merry Christmas to strangers, Christmas lover! Who would have thought. Yesterday the three of us put up the tree while playing carols from you tube. For every bauble that I put on the tree, H thought it awesome fun to pull another off and throw it across the room. The tree is now anchored to the wall for safety and decorated from the waist up. Poor Christmas tree. Christmas trees and toddlers don't really mix and there's not even any presents under it for her to destroy yet.

Some people are awesome at planning and saving for Christmas. I'm not one of those people. I tend to shop at the last minute and wind up spending much more money than expected. A great way to save a few dollars is by making, or in my case, baking gifts. Funnily enough, as much as I used to despise my mum's hand made gifts, I turn into a regular Martha Stewart come December. Must be mum looking down on me. Anyone coming within 20 metres of my home, or over the age of about 10 will probably be gifted with a cupcake or two and some christmas balls (coming up in the next blog post) this year. These pepperminty, creamy and chocolatey cupcakes will have you feeling all tingly and festive in no time. Almost like a peppermint patty in a cake form. But more subtle. Even if you don't get to make these before Christmas, at least you'll have something to do with all those pesky candy canes that seem to hang around the house well past February.

I have an incredibly sweet tooth and these are incredibly sweet. Even for me. Proceed with caution and don't say I didn't warn you ;)

The cupcakes contain all the usual suspects. I like to use Valrhona cocoa which is expensive and this recipe contains half a cup so may not be economical for everyone. Here I have used Callebaut which is a little cheaper but any good dutch process cocoa would work just as well.

Why yes that is my trusty ice cream scoop, thank you for noticing. When I was baking and decorating cupcakes for the business this was the easiest way to quickly get uniform sized cupcakes. If you don't have an ice cream scoop and have a bit of patience, fill each cupcake liner half way. The mixture is quite liquid so try not to over fill. I've had a few overflowing cupcakes in the past using this recipe and being a tad ambitious. Please try to refrain from licking the screen right about....


After 17 or so minutes in the oven, your gorgeous little cupcakes should spring back slightly when pressed in the centre. If in doubt, test with a toothpick which should come out clean. Allow to cool on a wire rack while you prepare the icing.

Now for the extraordinarily sweet part. That is icing sugar, cream cheese, butter, vanilla and crushed peppermint candy canes. My husband would get the sugar sweats just looking at this.

In a stand mixer, cream the cream cheese, butter and vanilla until smooth. Add the icing sugar half a cup at a time until firmish. If you like a more fluid icing, add a teaspoon or so of milk until you get your desired consistency. Lastly, mix through your peppermint and you're almost there.

Now any sane person probably would have stopped at this seriously sweet icing. But for some reason, I found the need to add melted dark chocolate. Holy clogged arteries, why do I do this to myself?

The result was indeed sweet and creamy and delicious. The cake is dark and moist, the icing slightly crunchy and the chocolate, well, I'm sure you don't need an explanation.

If you have some self restraint, perhaps decorate yours with a modest amount of icing and a little drizzle of chocolate instead of a flood! My mothers group guinea pigs are heading over for a visit tomorrow... sorry for the second week in a row of sheer gluttony ladies. I promise there will be healthier recipes in the new year!

Chocolate Cupcakes with Peppermint Candy Cane Cream Cheese Frosting

For the cupcakes:

Makes approximately 18

1 1/2 cups plain flour
1 tsp bi-carb soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 tsp instant coffee granules
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup good quality cocoa
100g softened unsalted butter
1 1/4 cups caster (superfine) sugar
2 large eggs
1 tbsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 170 degrees celsius

1. Line 2 x 12 hole muffin/cupcake tins with papers
2. Sift flour, baking powder and soda together
3. In a small bowl, whisk cocoa, coffee and hot water to a smooth paste. Add cold water and whisk until combined
4. In a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Add vanilla
5. Add a third of cocoa mixture on low speed then a third of the flour until all incorporated. No not over mix
6. Spoon or scoop mixture into prepared cases, about half way up
7. Bake in preheated oven for around 17 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean
8. Cool on a wire rack until required.

For the frosting:

800 grams of pure icing sugar, sifted (the single most tedious task in the world. If anyone has any tips please tell me!)
100 grams cream cheese, softened
100 grams unsalted butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup peppermint candy canes, crushed
Milk if required

1. In a stand mixer or with a hand mixer, cream butter, cream cheese and vanilla until smooth
2. Add icing sugar half a cup at a time until all incorporated. If mixture is too thick add teaspoons of milk until desired consistency is reached
3. Using a spatula, stir in the crushed candy canes.

Pipe your icing onto cooled cupcakes and drizzle with melted dark chocolate. I've used a Wilton 1M piping tip and a plain piping tip.

Merry Christmas!

Bel xx

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